The XLEV8 Excel Add-in: Your New Secret Productivity Weapon

Are you ready to save 200+ hours a year in Excel?

A little curious? Check out the top 52 tools that get you more out of Excel.



Shortcuts may only save 3-10 seconds each time, but it adds up quickly! Consider this math:
5 seconds x 20 times a day x 200 days a year, is over 5 hours a year!

There are dozens of shortcuts that save you time like this! Here are some examples:


Bulk Automation

Doing high-volume tasks repetitively is no fun! It’s easy to automate them in Excel and save a ton of time – often 20-30 minutes each use!

There are dozens of macros that save you time like this! Here are some examples:

  • Create hundreds of folders πŸ”—
  • Rename or reorder all your sheets πŸ”—
  • Refresh hundreds of PowerPoint slides πŸ”—
  • Add, update, or export hundreds of Outlook appointments πŸ”— or contacts πŸ”—
  • Automate website steps like running reports πŸ”—

App Integrations

Excel is a unique application, offering a UI along with a ton of calculation power. We leverage this to make tasks easier in all kinds of apps to save a lot of time and make tasks easier.

Here are some examples:

  • Import or export Outlook appointments in bulk πŸ”—
  • Refresh hundreds of PowerPoint slides in seconds πŸ”—
  • Personalize and email word templates πŸ”—
  • Automate website steps like running reports πŸ”—
  • Connect to virtually any app that supports APIs πŸ”—

What is this?

It’s an Excel add-in that greatly enhances Excel with hundreds of tools that help you 🧭 navigate faster, πŸ—οΈ create faster,Β  🎨 format faster, πŸ”ƒ update faster, and πŸ”Ž analyze faster.Β  Install it in 5-10 minutes.Β  See a brief demo for some great common examples.Β  See the getting started guide and cheatsheet to quickly help you start saving a ton of time.Β  Make Excel easier and faster with:

Shortcuts πŸ–ΌοΈ that combine steps that are often buried in menus
Bulk task automation πŸ–ΌοΈ – reuse your effort and stop doing things one at a time
Integrations with apps πŸ–ΌοΈ – automate actions in Outlook, PowerPoint, Word, and Google Chrome

Who is it for?

Auditors, accountants, analysts, and anyone who uses Excel on a daily basis
People who need more capacity to keep up with ever-increasing demands
Multi-unit, retail, and restaurant businesses are our focus, but all kinds of industries benefit
Leaders, staff, beginners, and experts – there’s something for everyone

Why should I use it?

It makes Excel faster, saving you time with shortcuts πŸ–ΌοΈ, bulk automations πŸ–ΌοΈ, and app integrations πŸ–ΌοΈ
It makes Excel easier with defaults, favorites, and suggestive searches
It makes Excel stronger by adding controls to reduce risk and increase clarity
It makes Excel more capable by overcoming native Excel functionality
It makes Excel more integrated by connecting to apps like Outlook, PowerPoint, Google Chrome, and more

Get Reimbursed

The XLEV8 Excel Add-in is easy to install for individual users and teams alike.Β  If you want to pilot it for your team, we’ve made it easy to get reimbursed!Β  Just download this Word reimbursement request template and make any changes you’d like.


The XLEV8 Excel Add-in is currently only sold as a one-time purchase and not a subscription, however we may offer subscriptions in the future.Β  Volume discounts are available, according to the following schedule:

# licenses (A) 1 – 9 10 – 24 25 – 49 50+
Discount – 10% 15% 20%
Price $200 $180 $170 $160

(A) Licenses are granted on a per-user basis for the XLEV8 Add-in Suite. Each license can be used on up to three separate computers. A free 30-day trial is available to evaluate the add-in, and at any time, users can run a report that shows the add-in features used and estimated time saved.Β  See the bulk licenses section below for more information on bulk licenses.

ROI Calculator

Use the ROI (return on investment) calculator below to see how saving just a couple hours a week can really add up across an entire year and across your entire team.Β  The more team members you have and the higher the average pay rate, the bigger the ROI.Β  This just assumes using the XLEV8 Excel Add-in; training the team and leveraging custom consultation and projects adds even more ROI to your investment.Β  Change any of the inputs below to recalculate the totals.

# of team members:
Average hourly wage rate:
Average benefits, bonus, and employer taxes:
Average work weeks per year:
Expected hours saved per week:
Total hours saved: 7,050
Total FTEs saved: 3.5
Total value of time wasted today: $290,812.50
Per-user license cost:
Total license costs: $8,000
Year 1 ROI $: $282,812.50
Year 1 ROI %: 3,535.2%
Payback period: 1.1 weeks

Bulk Licenses

We offer volume discounts when 10+ licenses are purchased together.Β  This can make it easier on users when they don’t have to separately pay for licenses.Β  Learn more by visiting the bulk license product page, or click the button above to purchase your bulk licenses now.

Free Lite Version

Want to see what it’s like with some valuable features you can keep forever?Β  The free lite version includes 10 helpful tools that let you see how easy it can be to save a lot of time. Click the Get lite version button above to obtain a license.Β  You can also try the full version for free for 30 days using the Get free trial button above.

Check out the video below for a quick demonstration of the lite version in action.Β  Tools included in the lite version:

  1. Highlight Color Picker – quickly apply (or set) favorite cell fill colors using a menu.
  2. Toggle Cell Highlight – toggle through up to five favorite cell fill colors.
  3. Font Color Picker – quickly apply (or set) favorite font colors using a menu.
  4. Toggle Font Color – toggle through up to five favorite font colors.
  5. Number Format Picker – quickly apply (or set) favorite (or common) number formats using a menu.
  6. Toggle Number Format – toggle through up to five favorite number formats.
  7. Border Picker – quickly apply (or set) favorite (or common) borders using a menu.
  8. Toggle Border – toggle through up to five favorite borders.
  9. Cell Style Picker – quickly apply (or set) favorite cell styles using a menu.
  10. Toggle Cell Style – toggle through up to five favorite cell styles.


Basic support is included with all paid XLEV8 Excel Add-in subscriptions.Β  Example files and short how-to videos are available for many tools.Β  For the quickest answer to your question, use the search bar at the top to browse the various product manual pages. The FAQ page can also be helpful.Β  If you still can’t find the answer you’re looking for, please send us a quick message using the feedback form, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Product Updates

Product updates are included with all XLEV8 Add-in subscriptions.Β  Updates include bug fixes and additional product functionality.Β  We try to release an update about once every 2-3 months.

Feature Requests

We love getting feature requests from our users!Β  This is valuable feedback and we greatly appreciate the time users take to suggest new features to our products.Β  If you have a feature request, please send us the details using the feedback form.Β  If the feature is feasible and would benefit the entire user base, we will consider adding it to our roadmap for future updates.Β  If it is a unique use-case more suitable for an individual client, we will reach out to you to discuss a potential consulting project for developing custom templates.

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