The Importance of Core Values



Do you struggle getting the best out of your teams?  Do you find it tough to focus or prioritize with your day-to-day work or bigger initiatives?

Core values are often an afterthought of most employees – something just gets slapped on a bulletin board or a website as a me-too exercise.  But they can be so much more powerful than that when they are used correctly to guide, motivate, and even sell.  Don’t miss out on learning how to harness the power of core values to get the best out of yourself and your teams!

In this course, you’ll learn about the importance of core values and 5 examples of common core values, and how you can live them out.  No matter what your functional or leadership role is, you’ll find core values as a valuable way to communicate, guide, and motivate each other to be your best.


Learning Objectives

Learn the importance of core values
Learn about the importance of hospitality
Learn about the importance of efficiency
Learn about the importance of accountability
Learn about the importance of resourcefulness
Learn about the importance of tenacity

CPE Information

Our administrative CPE policies can be found here.  Below are CPE details for this specific course.

Recommended CPE Credit:
1 hour of CPE credit is awarded based on a 50-minute hour for attendees who are present for the entire program.
Instructional Delivery Method:
Group live
Recommended Field of Study:
Business Management & Organization
Program Level:
Advance Preparation:

How to Attend

See our training page to learn how our training programs work and to contact us to schedule one or more training programs for your organization.

We also offer virtual and on-site training programs that are open to the public.  See our events page for a current calendar of upcoming events.

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