Showing 446 shortcuts...
App / Shortcut Likes
Category / Description Date
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+A   (1)
Editing - Insert Picker2/18/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+C   (0)
Editing - Copy Special Picker2/18/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+D   (0)
Editing - Delete Picker2/18/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+F   (0)
Action - Filter Picker2/18/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+J   (0)
Navigation - Select Picker2/18/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+L   (0)
Editing - Cell Action Picker2/18/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+M   (0)
Editing - Reverse Sign2/18/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+N   (0)
Formatting - Toggle Number Format2/18/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+O   (1)
Navigation - Search Recent Files2/18/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+P   (0)
Action - Print Picker2/18/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+Q   (0)
Editing - Comment Picker2/18/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+R   (1)
Navigation - Show Cell References2/18/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+S   (0)
Navigation - Sheet Action Picker2/18/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+V   (0)
Editing - Paste Special Picker2/18/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+W   (0)
Navigation - Search Macros2/18/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+Y   (0)
Formatting - Toggle Cell Highlight2/18/2024
Outlook - Alt+d  (0)
Editing - Decline task request2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+a  (0)
Navigation - Select all cells in worksheet2/17/2024
Outlook - Alt+F2  (0)
Files and windows - Show/hide the to-do bar2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+b  (0)
Formatting - Bold2/17/2024
Outlook - Alt+h  (0)
Navigation - Go to home tab2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+c  (0)
Editing - Copy2/17/2024
Outlook - Alt+j  (0)
Navigation - Move to subject field2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+d  (0)
Editing - Fill down2/17/2024
Outlook - Alt+left arrow  (0)
Navigation - Go to previous view in main Outlook window2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+e  (0)
Editing - Flash fill2/17/2024
Outlook - Alt+right arrow  (0)
Navigation - Go to next view in main Outlook window2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+f  (0)
Editing - Find2/17/2024
Outlook - Alt+s  (0)
Files and windows - Save and close2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+g  (0)
Navigation - Go to2/17/2024
Outlook - Alt+s  (0)
Files and windows - Send email2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+h  (0)
Editing - Replace2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+[  (0)
Formatting - Decrease font size2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+i  (0)
Formatting - Italic2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+[,] (comma)  (0)
Navigation - Switch to previous message/appointment (with item open)2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+k  (0)
Editing - Insert hyperlink2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+[.] (period)  (0)
Navigation - Switch to next message/appointment (with item open)2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+n  (0)
Files and windows - New workbook2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+]  (0)
Formatting - Increase font size2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+o  (0)
Files and windows - Open existing workbook2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+1  (0)
Navigation - Switch to Email view2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+p  (0)
Other - Print2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+2  (0)
Navigation - Switch to Calendar view2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+r  (0)
Editing - Fill right2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+3  (0)
Navigation - Switch to Contacts view2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+s  (0)
Files and windows - Save2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+4  (0)
Navigation - Switch to Tasks view2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+u  (0)
Formatting - Underline2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+5  (0)
Navigation - Switch to Notes view2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+v  (0)
Editing - Paste2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+6  (0)
Navigation - Switch to Folder list view2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl w  (0)
Files and windows - Close file2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+a  (0)
Navigation - Select all items in the window2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+x  (0)
Editing - Cut2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Alt+2  (0)
Navigation - Switch to work week view2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+y  (0)
Editing - Repeat/redo action2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Alt+j  (0)
Editing - Mark message as not junk2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+z  (0)
Editing - Undo action2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+b  (0)
Formatting - Bold selected text2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Arrows  (0)
Navigation - 1) Jump to end of region^^2) In edit/formula mode, jump to end of word2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+c  (0)
Formatting - Copy selection2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+PageUp  (0)
Navigation - Go to previous sheet2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+d  (0)
Editing - Delete item2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+PageDown  (0)
Navigation - Go to next sheet2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+e  (0)
Formatting - Center align selected text2/17/2024
Excel - Alt+PageUp  (0)
Navigation - Scroll one page left2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+e  (0)
Navigation - Find message/other item2/17/2024
Excel - Alt+PageDown  (0)
Navigation - Scroll one page right2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+f  (0)
Editing - Forward item2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Home  (0)
Navigation - Go to top-left cell (A1)2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+g  (0)
Navigation - Go to calendar date2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+End  (0)
Navigation - Go to bottom-right cell used in the worksheet2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+i  (0)
Formatting - Italicize selected text2/17/2024
Excel - F1  (0)
Other - Help2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+k  (0)
Formatting - Insert hyperlink2/17/2024
Excel - F2  (0)
Editing - Edit cell formula/value2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+l  (0)
Formatting - Left align selected text2/17/2024
Excel - F3  (0)
Editing - Show range names to insert2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+p  (0)
Files and windows - Print2/17/2024
Excel - F4  (2)
Editing - 1) Repeat last action^^2) In edit/formula mode, toggles between absolute/relative references2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+r  (0)
Formatting - Right align selected text2/17/2024
Excel - F5  (0)
Navigation - Go to2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+r  (0)
Editing - Reply to item2/17/2024
Excel - F6  (0)
Navigation - Next pane2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+s  (0)
Files and windows - Save2/17/2024
Excel - F7  (1)
Editing - Spell check2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Shift+A  (0)
Editing - Create appointment2/17/2024
Excel - F8  (0)
Editing - Extend mode2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Shift+B  (0)
Navigation - Open the address book2/17/2024
Excel - F9  (0)
Formulas - Recalculate all workbooks2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Shift+C  (0)
Editing - Create contact2/17/2024
Excel - F10  (0)
Other - Activate menubar2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Shift+E  (0)
Editing - Create folder2/17/2024
Excel - F11  (0)
Editing - New chart2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Shift+F  (0)
Navigation - Advanced find2/17/2024
Excel - F12  (0)
Files and windows - Save as2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Shift+G  (0)
Editing - Flag message2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+:  (0)
Editing - Insert current time2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Shift+H  (0)
Editing - Create new Office document2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+;  (0)
Editing - Insert current date2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Shift+I  (0)
Navigation - Switch to inbox2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+"  (0)
Editing - Copy value from cell above2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Shift+J  (0)
Editing - Create journal entry2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+’  (0)
Editing - Copy formula from cell above2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Shift+K  (0)
Editing - Create task2/17/2024
Excel - Shift+F9  (0)
Formulas - Calculate active worksheet2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Shift+L  (0)
Formatting - Insert bulleted list2/17/2024
Excel - Shift+F10  (0)
Navigation - Display right-click menu2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Shift+L  (0)
Editing - Create distribution list2/17/2024
Excel - Shift+Arrows  (0)
Navigation - 1) Select adjacent cells^^2) Select adjacent characters in edit mode2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Shift+M  (0)
Editing - Create message2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+Arrows  (0)
Navigation - 1) Select cells through the end of the region^^2) Select through entire word in edit mode2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Shift+N  (0)
Editing - Create note2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+F3  (0)
Other - Define name2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Shift+O  (0)
Navigation - Switch to outbox2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+F4  (1)
Files and windows - Close2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Shift+P  (0)
Formatting - Display the font format dialog box2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+F6  (0)
Files and windows - Next workbook window2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Shift+Q  (0)
Editing - Create meeting request2/17/2024
Excel - Shift+Ctrl+F6  (0)
Files and windows - Previous workbook window2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Shift+R  (0)
Editing - Reply all to item2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+F7  (0)
Files and windows - Move window mode (Escape to cancel)2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+Shift+V  (0)
Navigation - Open move message dialog box2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+F8  (0)
Files and windows - Resize window mode (Escape to cancel)2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+u  (0)
Formatting - Underline selected text2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+F9  (0)
Files and windows - Minimize workbook2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+u  (0)
Editing - Mark email as unread2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+F10  (0)
Files and windows - Maximize or restore window2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+v  (0)
Formatting - Paste2/17/2024
Excel - Alt+F1  (0)
Editing - Insert Chart2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+x  (0)
Formatting - Cut selection2/17/2024
Excel - Alt+F2  (0)
Files and windows - Save As2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+y  (0)
Navigation - Swith to different folder2/17/2024
Excel - Alt+F4  (0)
Files and windows - Exit2/17/2024
Outlook - Ctrl+z  (0)
Editing - Undo2/17/2024
Excel - Alt+F8  (0)
Other - Macro dialog box2/17/2024
Outlook - Escape  (0)
Files and windows - Close an email2/17/2024
Excel - Alt+F11  (0)
Other - Launch Visual Basic Editor2/17/2024
Outlook - F1  (0)
Navigation - Open help2/17/2024
Excel - Alt+=  (0)
Formulas - AutoSum2/17/2024
Outlook - F12  (0)
Files and windows - Save as2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+`  (0)
Formulas - Toggle value/formula display2/17/2024
Outlook - F3  (0)
Navigation - Find message/other item2/17/2024
Excel - Alt+Down arrow  (0)
Navigation - Display list (data validation, AutoFilter, AutoComplete)2/17/2024
Outlook - F4  (0)
Navigation - Search for text within message2/17/2024
Excel - Alt+’  (0)
Formatting - Format style dialog box2/17/2024
Outlook - F7  (0)
Editing - Check spelling2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+~  (0)
Formatting - General format2/17/2024
Outlook - F9  (0)
Files and windows - Send/receive messages2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+!  (0)
Formatting - Comma format2/17/2024
Outlook - Insert  (0)
Editing - Add email quick flag2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+@  (0)
Formatting - Time format2/17/2024
Outlook - Shift+F3  (0)
Formatting - Switch text case (with selected text)2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+#  (0)
Formatting - Date format2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+n  (0)
Navigation - Open a new window2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+$  (0)
Formatting - Currency format2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+Shift+N  (0)
Navigation - Open a new window in Incognito mode2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+%  (0)
Formatting - Percent format2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+t  (0)
Navigation - Open a new tab (and jump to it)2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+^  (0)
Formatting - Exponential format2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+Shift+T  (0)
Navigation - Reopen previously closed tabs in the order they were closed2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+&  (0)
Formatting - Place outline border around selected cells2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+Page Down  (0)
Navigation - Jump to next open tab2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+_  (0)
Formatting - Remove outline border2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+Tab  (0)
Navigation - Jump to next open tab2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+*  (0)
Navigation - Select the current region around the active cell2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+Page Up  (0)
Navigation - Jump to previous open tab2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl++  (0)
Editing - Insert2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+Shift+Tab  (0)
Navigation - Jump to previous open tab2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+-  (0)
Editing - Delete2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+1  (0)
Navigation - Jump to a specific tab (Ctrl+1 to Ctrl+8)2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+1  (0)
Formatting - Format cells dialog box2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+9  (0)
Navigation - Jump to right-most tab2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+2  (0)
Formatting - Bold2/17/2024
Chrome - Alt+Home  (0)
Navigation - Open home page in current tab2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+3  (0)
Formatting - Italic2/17/2024
Chrome - Alt+Left Arrow  (0)
Navigation - Open previous history page in current tab2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+4  (0)
Formatting - Underline2/17/2024
Chrome - Alt+Right Arrow  (0)
Navigation - Open next history page in current tab2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+5  (0)
Formatting - Strikethrough2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+w  (0)
Navigation - Close the current tab2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+6  (0)
Other - Show/Hide objects2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+F4  (0)
Navigation - Close the current tab2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+7  (0)
Other - Show/Hide Standard toolbar2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+Shift+W  (0)
Navigation - Close the current window2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+8  (0)
Other - Toggle Outline symbols2/17/2024
Chrome - Alt+F4  (0)
Navigation - Close the current window2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+9  (0)
Formatting - Hide rows2/17/2024
Chrome - Alt+f-x  (0)
Navigation - Quit Google Chrome2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+0  (0)
Formatting - Hide columns2/17/2024
Chrome - Shift+Alt+t  (0)
Navigation - Focus on the first item in the Chrome toolbar2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+(  (0)
Formatting - Unhide rows2/17/2024
Chrome - F10  (0)
Navigation - Focus on the right-most item in the Chrome toolbar2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+)  (0)
Formatting - Unhide columns2/17/2024
Chrome - Space  (0)
Navigation - Scroll down the page, one screen at a time2/17/2024
Excel - Alt or F10  (0)
Other - Activate the ribbon menu2/17/2024
Chrome - Page Down  (0)
Navigation - Scroll down the page, one screen at a time2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Tab  (0)
Files and windows - Activate next workbook2/17/2024
Chrome - Shift+Space  (0)
Navigation - Scroll up the page, one screen at a time2/17/2024
Excel - Shift+Ctrl+Tab  (0)
Files and windows - Activate previous workbook2/17/2024
Chrome - Page Up  (0)
Navigation - Scroll up the page, one screen at a time2/17/2024
Excel - Tab  (0)
Navigation - Next cell/field2/17/2024
Chrome - Home  (0)
Navigation - Go to the top of the page2/17/2024
Excel - Shift+Tab  (0)
Navigation - Previous cell/field2/17/2024
Chrome - End  (0)
Navigation - Go to the bottom of the page2/17/2024
Excel - Alt+Enter  (0)
Editing - Start a new line within the cell (wraps text)2/17/2024
Chrome - Shift+Mouse Wheel  (0)
Navigation - Scroll horizontally on the page2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Enter  (0)
Editing - 1) Enter formula and stay focused on cell^^2) Fill the selected cell range with the current entry2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+Left Arrow  (0)
Navigation - Move your cursor to the beginning of the previous word in a text field2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Spacebar  (0)
Navigation - Select the entire column2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+Right Arrow  (0)
Navigation - Move your cursor to the beginning of the next word in a text field2/17/2024
Excel - Shift+Spacebar  (0)
Navigation - Select the entire row2/17/2024
Chrome - [entry]+Ctrl+Enter  (0)
Address bar - Add www. and .com to a site name and open in the current tab2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+/  (0)
Navigation - Select the array containing the active cell2/17/2024
Chrome - [entry]+Ctrl+Shift+Enter  (0)
Address bar - Add www. and .com to a site name and open in a new current tab2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+o  (0)
Navigation - Select all cells that contain comments.2/17/2024
Chrome - [entry]+Alt+Enter  (0)
Address bar - Open a new tab and perform a Google search2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+\  (0)
Navigation - Select non-matching cells within a row2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+i  (0)
Address bar - Jump to the address bar2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+|  (0)
Navigation - Select non-matching cells within a column2/17/2024
Chrome - Alt+d  (0)
Address bar - Jump to the address bar2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+[  (0)
Navigation - Select all cells directly referenced by formulas in the selection2/17/2024
Chrome - F6  (0)
Address bar - Jump to the address bar2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+{  (0)
Navigation - Select all cells directly or indirectly referenced by formulas in the selection2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+k  (0)
Address bar - Search from anywhere on the page2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+]  (0)
Navigation - Select cells that contain formulas that directly reference the active cell2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+e  (0)
Address bar - Search from anywhere on the page2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+}  (0)
Navigation - Select cells that contain formulas that directly or indirectly reference the active cell2/17/2024
Chrome - Shift+Delete  (0)
Address bar - Remove predictions from address bar (highlight the item to delete with arrow keys)2/17/2024
Excel - Alt+;  (0)
Navigation - Select the visible cells in the current selection2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+F5  (0)
Address bar - Move cursor to the address bar2/17/2024
Excel - Shift+Backspace  (0)
Navigation - With multiple cells selected, select only the active cell2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+Shift+Page Up  (0)
Action - Move tabs to the right2/17/2024
Excel - Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar  (0)
Navigation - 1) Selects cells in the current region^^2) If blank or pressed a second time, selects all cells in the worksheet^^3) If an object is selected, selects all objects on the worksheet2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+Shift+Page Down  (0)
Action - Move tabs to the left2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+a  (0)
Editing - Select all content in document2/17/2024
Chrome - Alt+f  (0)
Action - Open the Chrome action menu2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+b  (0)
Formatting - Bold2/17/2024
Chrome - Alt+e  (0)
Action - Open the Chrome action menu2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+c  (0)
Editing - Copy2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+Shift+B  (0)
Action - Toggle showing the Bookmarks bar2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+d  (0)
Formatting - Show font dialog box2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+Shift+O  (0)
Action - Open the Bookmarks Manager2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+e  (0)
Formatting - Center align text2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+h  (0)
Action - Open the History page in a new tab2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+f  (0)
Editing - Find2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+j  (0)
Action - Open the Downloads page in a new tab2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+g  (0)
Navigation - Go to page/bookmark2/17/2024
Chrome - Shift+Esc  (0)
Action - Open the Chrome Task Manager2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+h  (0)
Editing - Replace2/17/2024
Chrome - F6  (0)
Action - Switch focus to unfocused dialog (if showing) and all toolbars2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+i  (0)
Formatting - Italic2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+f  (0)
Action - Open the find bar for the current tab2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+j  (0)
Formatting - Justify align text2/17/2024
Chrome - F3  (0)
Action - Open the find bar for the current tab2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+k  (0)
Editing - Insert hyperlink2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+g  (0)
Action - Jump to the next match in your Find Bar search2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+l  (0)
Formatting - Left align text2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+Shift+G  (0)
Action - Jump to the previous match in your Find Bar search2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+m  (0)
Formatting - Indent paragraph from the left2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+Shift+J  (0)
Action - Open Developer Tools2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+n  (0)
Files and windows - New document2/17/2024
Chrome - F12  (0)
Action - Open Developer Tools2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+o  (0)
Files and windows - Open existing document2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+Shift+Delete  (0)
Action - Open the Clear Browsing Data options2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+p  (0)
Other - Print2/17/2024
Chrome - F1  (0)
Action - Open the Chrome Help Center in a new tab2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+q  (0)
Formatting - Remove paragraph formatting2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+Shift+M  (0)
Action - Log in as a different user or guest2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+r  (0)
Formatting - Right align text2/17/2024
Chrome - Alt+Shift+I  (0)
Action - Open a feedback form2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+s  (0)
Files and windows - Save2/17/2024
Chrome - F7  (0)
Action - Turn on caret browsing2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+t  (0)
Formatting - Create a hanging indent2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+F6  (0)
Action - Skip to web contents2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+u  (0)
Formatting - Underline2/17/2024
Chrome - Alt+Shift+A  (0)
Action - Focus on inactive dialogs2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+v  (0)
Editing - Paste2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+p  (0)
Action - Open options to print the current page2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl w  (0)
Files and windows - Close file2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+s  (0)
Action - Open options to save the current page2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+x  (0)
Editing - Cut2/17/2024
Chrome - F5  (0)
Action - Reload the current page2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+y  (0)
Editing - Repeat/redo action2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+r  (0)
Action - Reload the current page2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+z  (0)
Editing - Undo action2/17/2024
Chrome - Shift+F5  (0)
Action - Reload the current page, ignoring cached content2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Shift+C  (0)
Formatting - Copy formats2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+Shift+R  (0)
Action - Reload the current page, ignoring cached content2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Shift+D  (0)
Formatting - Double-underline text2/17/2024
Chrome - Esc  (0)
Action - Stop the page from loading2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Shift+E  (0)
Other - Toggle track changes2/17/2024
Chrome - Tab  (0)
Action - Browse clickable items (forward)2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Shift+F  (0)
Formatting - Change the font type2/17/2024
Chrome - Shift+Tab  (0)
Action - Browse clickable items (backward)2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Shift+H  (0)
Formatting - Apply hidden text formatting2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+o  (0)
Action - Open a file from your computer within Chrome2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Shift+K  (0)
Formatting - Format letters as small capitals2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+u  (0)
Action - Display non-editable HTML source code for the current page2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Shift+L  (0)
Editing - Apply list style / insert a bullet point2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+d  (0)
Action - Save the current page as a bookmark2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Shift+M  (0)
Formatting - Remove a paragraph indent from the left2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+Shift+D  (0)
Action - Save all open tabs as bookmarks in a new folder2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Shift+N  (0)
Formatting - Apply normal size2/17/2024
Chrome - F11  (0)
Action - Toggle full-screen mode2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Shift+P  (0)
Formatting - Change the font size2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl++  (0)
Action - Make everything on the page bigger2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Shift+Q  (0)
Formatting - Change the selection to the Symbol font2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+-  (0)
Action - Make everything on the page smaller2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Shift+S  (0)
Formatting - Apply a style2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+0  (0)
Action - Make everything on the page its default size2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Shift+T  (0)
Formatting - Reduce a hanging indent2/17/2024
Chrome - Ctrl+Backspace  (0)
Action - Delete the previous word in a text field2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Shift+V  (0)
Formatting - Paste formats2/17/2024
Chrome - Alt+Space-n  (0)
View - Minimize the current window (Alt+Space then n)2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Shift+W  (0)
Formatting - Underline words but not spaces2/17/2024
Chrome - Alt+Space-x  (0)
View - Maximize the current window (Alt+Space then x)2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Arrows  (0)
Navigation - Move to the next or previous word or paragraph2/17/2024
File Explorer - Windows+e  (0)
Navigation - Open file explorer2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+PageUp  (0)
Navigation - Go to the top of the previous page2/17/2024
File Explorer - Shift+Tab  (0)
Navigation - Toggle between side window and main window2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+PageDown  (0)
Navigation - Go to the top of the next page2/17/2024
File Explorer - Ctrl+Tab  (0)
Navigation - Move to next file explorer tab to the right2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Home  (0)
Navigation - Go to the beginning of the document2/17/2024
File Explorer - Ctrl+Shift+Tab  (0)
Navigation - Move to next file explorer tab to the left2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+End  (0)
Navigation - Go to the end of the document2/17/2024
File Explorer - Ctrl+t  (0)
Navigation - Open new file explorer tab2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Enter  (0)
Editing - Insert page break2/17/2024
File Explorer - Ctrl+n  (0)
Navigation - Open separate window (same folder)2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Delete  (0)
Editing - Delete one word to the right2/17/2024
File Explorer - Menu-b  (0)
Navigation - Open separate tab (same folder)2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Backspace  (0)
Editing - Delete one word to the left2/17/2024
File Explorer - Ctrl+w  (0)
Navigation - Close selected tab/window2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Tab  (0)
Editing - Insert a Tab character2/17/2024
File Explorer - Ctrl+Shift+N  (0)
Editing - Create new folder in current window2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Spacebar  (0)
Formatting - Reset highlighted text to the default font2/17/2024
File Explorer - Alt+Up Arrow  (0)
Navigation - Move to parent folder2/17/2024
Word - Shift+Enter  (0)
Editing - Insert soft break instead of a new paragraph2/17/2024
File Explorer - Alt+Left Arrow  (0)
Navigation - Move to previous folder viewed2/17/2024
Word - Shift+Alt+D  (0)
Editing - Insert the current date2/17/2024
File Explorer - Alt+Right Arrow  (0)
Navigation - Move to next folder viewed2/17/2024
Word - Shift+Alt+T  (0)
Editing - Insert the current time2/17/2024
File Explorer - F2 / Tab  (0)
Editing - F2: Rename folder/file; Tab: rename next folder/file2/17/2024
Word - F1  (0)
Other - Help2/17/2024
File Explorer - F5  (0)
Editing - Refresh the folder contents2/17/2024
Word - F4  (0)
Editing - Repeat last action2/17/2024
File Explorer - Ctrl+l  (0)
Navigation - Select address bar text2/17/2024
Word - F5  (0)
Navigation - Go to2/17/2024
File Explorer - Ctrl+f  (0)
Navigation - Search the folder and child folders2/17/2024
Word - F7  (0)
Editing - Spell check2/17/2024
File Explorer - Ctrl+Shift+6  (0)
Views - Toggle folder view to details2/17/2024
Word - F12  (0)
Files and windows - Save as2/17/2024
File Explorer - Ctrl+Shift+2  (0)
Views - Toggle folder view to large icons2/17/2024
Word - Alt+F8  (0)
Other - Macro dialog box2/17/2024
File Explorer - Ctrl+Shift+1  (0)
Views - Toggle folder view to extra large icons2/17/2024
Word - Alt+F11  (0)
Other - Launch Visual Basic Editor2/17/2024
File Explorer - Ctrl+Shift+3  (0)
Views - Toggle folder view to medium icons2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+1  (0)
Formatting - Single-space lines2/17/2024
File Explorer - Ctrl+Shift+4  (0)
Views - Toggle folder view to small icons2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+2  (0)
Formatting - Double-space lines2/17/2024
File Explorer - Ctrl+Shift+5  (0)
Views - Toggle folder view to list2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+5  (0)
Formatting - 1.5 space lines2/17/2024
File Explorer - Ctrl+Shift+7  (0)
Views - Toggle folder view to tiles2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+0  (0)
Formatting - Add/remove one line space preceeding a paragraph2/17/2024
File Explorer - Ctrl+Shift+8  (0)
Views - Toggle folder view to content2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Shift+*  (0)
Other - Toggle non-printing characters2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Shift+>  (0)
Formatting - Increase font size2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Shift+<  (0)
Formatting - Decrease font size2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+[  (0)
Formatting - Decrease size of selected text by one point2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+]  (0)
Formatting - Increase size of selected text by one point2/17/2024
Word - Alt or F10  (0)
Other - Activate the ribbon menu2/17/2024
Word - Tab  (0)
Editing - Advance one tab break2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Alt+c  (0)
Editing - Insert copyright symbol2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Alt+r  (0)
Editing - Insert registered trademark symbol2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Alt+t  (0)
Editing - Insert trademark symbol2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+/+c  (0)
Editing - Insert cent symbol2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Alt+m  (0)
Other - Insert a comment2/17/2024
Word - Ctrl+Alt+i  (0)
Other - Toggle print preview2/17/2024
PowerPoint - b  (0)
Slideshow mode - Toggle black screen in slideshow mode2/17/2024
PowerPoint - n  (0)
Slideshow mode - Next slide in slideshow mode2/17/2024
PowerPoint - p  (0)
Slideshow mode - Previous slide in slideshow mode2/17/2024
PowerPoint - w  (0)
Slideshow mode - Toggle white screen in slideshow mode2/17/2024
PowerPoint - =  (0)
Slideshow mode - Zoom into slide2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Esc  (0)
Slideshow mode - End slideshow2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+a  (0)
Editing - Select all objects on slide, or all text in object2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+b  (0)
Formatting - Bold2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+c  (0)
Editing - Copy2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+d  (0)
Editing - Duplicate the selected object2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+e  (0)
Formatting - Center align paragraph2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+f  (0)
Editing - Find2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+g  (0)
Other - Toggle guides2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+h  (0)
Editing - Replace2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+i  (0)
Formatting - Italic2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+j  (0)
Formatting - Justify align paragraph2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+k  (0)
Editing - Insert hyperlink2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+l  (0)
Formatting - Left align paragraph2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+m  (0)
Slides - Insert new slide2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+n  (0)
Files and windows - New presentation2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+o  (0)
Files and windows - Open2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+p  (0)
Other - Print2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+q  (0)
Files and windows - Quit/exit PowerPoint2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+r  (0)
Formatting - Right align paragraph2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+s  (0)
Files and windows - Save2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+u  (0)
Formatting - Underline2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+v  (0)
Editing - Paste2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl w  (0)
Files and windows - Close file2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+x  (0)
Editing - Cut2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+y  (0)
Editing - Repeat2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+z  (0)
Editing - Undo2/17/2024
PowerPoint - F1  (0)
Other - Help2/17/2024
PowerPoint - F2  (0)
Editing - Select all text2/17/2024
PowerPoint - F7  (0)
Editing - Spell check2/17/2024
PowerPoint - F12  (0)
Files and windows - Save as2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Shift+F3  (0)
Editing - Toggle the case of text in the selected object through lower case, upper case, and proper case2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Shift+F10  (0)
Other - Display right-click menu2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+F4  (0)
Files and windows - Close2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+F6  (0)
Files and windows - Activate next window2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Shift+Ctrl+F6  (0)
Files and windows - Activate previous window2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Alt+F11  (0)
Other - Launch Visual Basic Editor2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+Shift+F  (0)
Formatting - Change the font2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+Shift+G  (0)
Structure - Group2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+Shift+H  (0)
Structure - Ungroup2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+Shift+J  (0)
Structure - Regroup2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+Shift+M  (0)
Slides - Insert new slide and select first object2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+Shift+P  (0)
Formatting - Change the font size2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+Shift+>  (0)
Formatting - Increase font size2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+Shift+<  (0)
Formatting - Decrease font size2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Alt+Ctrl+Shift+>  (0)
Formatting - Superscript2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Alt+Ctrl+Shift+<  (0)
Formatting - Subscript2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+Arrows  (0)
Editing - Move to the next or previous word or paragraph or with object selected, move one pixel2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+PageUp  (0)
Navigation - Go to the previous slide2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+PageDown  (0)
Navigation - Go to the next slide2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+Home  (0)
Editing - Go to the beginning of the text block or if in slide mode, go to the first slide2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+End  (0)
Editing - Go to the end of the text block or if in slide mode, go to the last slide2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Shift+Arrows  (0)
Editing - Select characters to left/right or through line above/below2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+Shift+Arrows  (0)
Editing - Select words to left/right or through line above/below2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Alt or F10  (0)
Other - Activate the ribbon menu2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Alt+F5  (0)
Files and windows - Un-maximize window2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Alt+F10  (0)
Files and windows - Maximize window2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Tab  (0)
Navigation - Go to next object2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Shift+Tab  (0)
Navigation - Go to previous object2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+Backspace  (0)
Editing - Delete word left2/17/2024
PowerPoint - Ctrl+Delete  (0)
Editing - Delete word right2/17/2024
Outlook - Alt+-  (0)
Navigation - Switch to full-week view2/17/2024
Outlook - Alt+=  (0)
Navigation - Switch to month view2/17/2024
Outlook - Alt+c  (0)
Editing - Accept task request2/17/2024

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