Every day should start out with a good dad joke!
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If you ever go to Egypt, don’t pee in the river. Their pee nile system is not very forgiving.  (0)
My kids’ favorite story is about that one time I crossed the river. It was a ferry tale.  (0)
Rivers, Stories2/15/2025
What do you get when you cross a snail with a porcupine? A slow poke.  (0)
Animals, Porcupines, Snails2/15/2025
My wife found a rectangular potato at the grocery store. It came with a square root!  (0)
Potatoes, Shapes2/15/2025
Whenever I fill out a form and it asks who to call in an emergency, I put ambulance.  (0)
It’s all fun and games until your over-sized shirts start fitting.  (0)
I wish my siblings would stop calling me spoiled. It’s not my fault my parents kept having kids until they found one actually they liked.  (0)
Buying groceries with no food stamps should boost your credit score.  (0)
Credit, Food2/15/2025
I’m looking for a microwave that doesn’t beep so loudly that everyone in the house knows I’m eating again.  (0)
Food, Microwaves2/15/2025
Why does my wife have to text me “Wish you were here” every time she goes to a cemetery?  (0)
Did you know that if you mix coconut oil with your kale, it makes it easier to scrape in the trash?  (0)
What’s the best thing you can bring to a Super Bowl party? A big spoon!  (0)
Spoons, Super Bowl2/15/2025
Who’s the best artist to play at the Super Bowl halftime show? 50 Cent. After two quarters, it just makes cents.  (0)
Singers, Super Bowl2/15/2025
Marry someone who understands you like a pharmacist that understands a doctor’s handwriting.  (0)
It’s amazing how much you can accomplish around the house under the threat of somebody coming over.  (0)
I have good problem-solving skills, but my problem-creating skills are where I really shine!  (0)
What do you call a friar who’s obsessed with Ruffles? A chipmunk.  (0)
Chips, Friars2/15/2025
There was a funeral today for the man who invented the dishwasher. They lowered him down, but his wife had him raised again so she could put him in the right way.  (0)
Dishwashers, Relationships2/15/2025
Did you hear what happened to the guy that invented a sandal for one-legged people? It was a flop.  (0)
Sandals, Shoes2/15/2025
I was reading on a travel site about when to visit Hawaii. Apparently, the best time to visit is when you have money.  (0)
Money, Vacation2/15/2025
I don’t know why I don’t buy more piñatas. Like right now, I’d love to just beat the crap out of something then eat some candy.  (0)
Candy, Piñatas2/15/2025
What did the shoes say to the pants? What up britches!  (0)
Men only have money the first month of dating - that’s recruitment budget. Never confuse it with operational budget.  (0)
Money, Relationships2/15/2025
My wife just gifted me a bath bomb that looks suspiciously like a toaster.  (0)
Baths, Relationships2/15/2025
If you’re ever feeling useless, remember that bags of ice have nutrition labels on them.  (0)
With the right equipment, I think I could generate a good amount of electricity with how irritated I get sometimes.  (0)
Electricity, Stress2/15/2025
A mother’s love is unconditional. Her temper is another story.  (0)
Children, Moms2/15/2025
Did you hear about the two geometry teachers who are dating? They make acute couple.  (0)
Geometry, Math2/15/2025
Ever wonder why they call it “thrift store shopping” instead of “Goodwill Hunting”?  (0)
Movies, Shopping2/15/2025
I broke an egg making breakfast this morning. My insurance company said an adjuster will be out tomorrow.  (0)
Eggs, Inflation, Insurance2/15/2025
We have got to stop saying "How stupid can you be?" Too many people are seeing it as a challenge.  (0)
Nine months from now, you could be fishing or changing a diaper. Make good decisions on Valentine’s Day.  (0)
Relationships, Valentines2/15/2025
A genie once granted me one wish, and I wished to be happy. Now I live with six dwarves and work in a mine.  (0)
Dwarves, Wishes2/15/2025
What if the stars in the sky aren’t really stars at all, but holes poked in the top of the container so we can breathe?  (0)
Space, Stars2/15/2025
I don’t understand how a generation raised on The Simpsons, South Park, and The Family Guy could be so offended by everything.  (0)
Humor, Shows2/15/2025
Did you hear about the fish that wanted to be a DJ? As soon as he was on air, he died.  (0)
Animals, Fish, Radio2/15/2025
Why is the radio scene so bad in Arkansas? Because all they have is a little rock.  (0)
Arkansas, Music2/15/2025
I get most of my exercise these days from shaking my head in disbelief.  (0)
I met a farmer who is really proud of the milk his cows produced. In fact, he said it’s legend dairy.  (0)
Animals, Cows, Farms, Milk2/15/2025
They say carrots are good for your eyes, but alcohol will double your vision.  (0)
Alcohol, Carrots, Vision2/15/2025
I can always tell if someone is lying just by looking at them.  I can also tell if they are standing.  (0)
Lying, Standing2/15/2025
The Amish Powerball is up to 8 dozen eggs.  (0)
Amish, Eggs, Lottery2/15/2025
Do you know how fisherman make a living? On their net income.  (0)
Fishing, Money2/15/2025
How many chiropractors does it take to change a light bulb? Just one, but it takes 28 visits.  (0)
How does a crazy man get out of the forest? He takes the psycho path.  (0)
What do you call a boat shaking at the bottom of the ocean? A nervous wreck!  (0)
How did the accountant propose to his girlfriend? With an engagement letter!  (0)
Accountants, Relationships2/15/2025
Last year, I joined a support group for anti-social people. We haven’t met yet.  (0)
People, Social2/7/2025
If I heard the coin sound from Mario every time I got a task done, I’d probably do more.  (0)
Mario, Work2/7/2025
Why do programmers prefer dark mode? Because light attracts bugs.  (0)
Bugs, Programming2/7/2025
I don’t always go the extra mile, but when I do, it’s usually because I missed my exit.  (0)
My wife was fired from the hot dog stand for putting her hair in a bun.  (0)
Food, Hot dogs2/7/2025
When you are feeling powerless just remember, a single one of your turds can shut down an entire water park.  (0)
Poop, Water parks2/7/2025
My boss said he doesn’t pay me to have an attitude at work. I assured him that mine comes for free!  (0)
Attitude, Work2/7/2025
They say to do what you love and the money will follow. I ate a whole pizza, took a nap, and watched some Netflix. Now we wait.  (0)
Remember when we waited until after 9:00 pm to use unlimited minutes to talk to everyone? Now we have it all the time and nobody uses it for talking.  (0)
How many skunks does it take to make you pass out from the stench? Just a phew.  (0)
Remember when you couldn’t wake up for school but you were up at 6:00 am getting ready for cartoons?  (0)
Cartoons, Children, Sleep2/7/2025
Saw a man standing on one leg at an ATM. Apparently he was just checking his balance.  (0)
Balance, Money2/7/2025
I hate spelling errors. You mix up two letters, and your whole day is urined.  (0)
I told the waitress my steak was bad. She picked it up, slapped it, put it down and said, “Let me know if it gives you anymore trouble.”  (0)
My friend asks me why I always say yes to everything. My response: “I don’t no.”  (0)
Yes man2/7/2025
What’s the point of a pyramid? It’s spot at the very top.  (0)
I just saw an ad for a wireless bra and I gotta be honest, all this time I didn’t know they needed to be plugged in.  (0)
What does Lassie like to bake with? Collie flour.  (0)
Animals, Cooking, Dogs2/7/2025
I just learned that Albert Einstein was an actual physicist. All this time I just thought he was theoretical.  (0)
Why don’t fish graduate from school? Because they are all below C level.  (0)
Animals, Fish, School2/7/2025
Girl math involves figuring out which day to wash your hair so it lines up with your plans.  (0)
Girls, Hair2/7/2025
Right now, I’m having amnesia and déjà vu at the same time…I think I’ve forgotten this before.  (0)
Amnesia, Deja vu2/7/2025
Ever heard of déjà poo? It’s the feeling that you’ve heard this crap before.  (0)
Deja vu2/7/2025
I’m so excited - Ingot a raise today! It was in medication dosage, but a win is a win.  (0)
Einstein developed a theory about space, and it was about time, too.  (0)
I accidentally swallowed some food coloring. I feel like I’ve dyed a little inside.  (0)
What do you call a woodchuck with no teeth? A won’t chuck.  (0)
Animals, Woodchucks2/7/2025
What did Elvis say when he got rid of his rodent? You ain’t nothing but a groundhog.  (0)
Animals, Elvis, Groundhogs2/7/2025
What do you call a pig in a blender? A ground hog!  (0)
Animals, Hogs, Pigs2/7/2025
There’s a gene that causes me to be fat. He works at the McDonald’s down the street.  (0)
McDonald’s, Restaurants2/7/2025
If tomato really is a fruit, why do we Italians have such a problem with pineapple on pizza?  (0)
Fruit, Pizza2/7/2025
If Jesus led a soccer camp, what would we call him? The Goalie Host.  (0)
Jesus, Soccer2/7/2025
Keep your marriage fresh by writing each other love notes like "I considered smothering you with a pillow last night but didn't."  (0)
Sometimes there is just not enough coffee or middle fingers to make it through the day.  (0)
Stress, Work2/7/2025
I went shopping today at Home Depot for a bucket, but they all looked the same. It was a pale comparison.  (0)
What part of a mole is the sweetest? The molasses.  (0)
My login says my new password is too insecure. Well, maybe if it wasn’t held to such high standards, it would be more confident.  (0)
Do you know what happened when the crazy librarian threw a bunch of books in the ocean? It caused a title wave.  (0)
Books, Ocean2/7/2025
Who is the highest ranking officer at Best Buy? Major appliance.  (0)
Appliances, Best Buy2/7/2025
Why don’t vampires go after vegans? They prefer blood, not V8.  (0)
Vampires, Vegans2/7/2025
I’ve decided to start smoking. Hot turkey.  (0)
Smoking, Turkey2/7/2025
My wife shot me with a nail gun today. I guess when she called me a stud, she didn’t mean it as a compliment.  (0)
Relationships, Studs2/7/2025
One day my deaf wife started yelling at me for no reason, so I just switched off the lights.  (0)
Deaf, Relationships2/7/2025
Why shouldn’t you use GPS to navigate to a cemetery? Because it might call it your final destination.  (0)
Cemeteries, GPS2/7/2025
Sweet dreams are made of cheese, who am I to diss a Brie. I cheddar the world and feta cheese. Everybody’s looking for stilton.  (0)
Cheese, Food2/7/2025
It isn’t until you take a walk with a dog that you realize how much of the world is edible.  (0)
Animals, Dogs, Food2/7/2025
It’s not the minutes you spend eating dinner that make you fat, it’s the seconds.  (0)
Apple had a close call a couple years ago when they released their biggest tablet. They almost called it the Max iPad.  (0)
Denmark and Sweden haven’t had a war since Lego and IKEA were started. Now it just takes too long to assemble an army.  (0)
IKEA, Legos2/7/2025
My son turns two tomorrow, but because money is tight, we’re just not going to tell him.  (0)
Birthdays, Children2/7/2025
What do you call a funeral full of stoners? A wake and bake.  (0)
Funerals, Stoners2/7/2025
Do you remember Norton, the antivirus fugitive? People thought he was dead, but he’s just running in the background.  (0)
Cimputers, Norton2/7/2025
A guy wanted to impress his date at a fancy restaurant, so he ordered in French. The waiter was confused because it was an Italian restaurant.  (0)

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