Excel LAMBDAs vs UDFs

Excel LAMBDAs vs UDFs

QLAMBDA and UDF Screenshot Close QLAMBDA Formula Screenshot Close QUDF Formula Screenshot Close Overview Have you ever written a custom function in Excel with a LAMBDA or a User-Defined Function (“UDF”)?  They are both great options for building functions...
Spilling is Fulfilling in Excel!

Spilling is Fulfilling in Excel!

QDynamic Array Function Screenshot Close Overview Have you used any of Excel’s dynamic array functions (DAFs) yet?  If not, you’re missing out on possibly the biggest update to Excel, possibly ever.  Even though they’ve been around for a few years...
Keep Your Spreadsheets in Style!

Keep Your Spreadsheets in Style!

QCell Styles Screenshot (Home tab) Close QCell Styles Screenshot (style palette) Close QCell Styles Screenshot (style right-click) Close QCell Styles Screenshot (Home tab) Close Overview Do you format your Excel files one format and one cell at a time?  Or do you use...
The Ultimate Excel Number Formats Guide

The Ultimate Excel Number Formats Guide

QNumber Format Screenshot - Ribbon Section Close QNumber Formats Screenshot - Quick Formats Close QNumber Formats Screenshot - Format Cells Box Close QNumber Formats Screenshot - Macro Code Close Overview Number formats are an important, but often overlooked part of...

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