The Importance of Core Values

The Importance of Core Values

Overview I remember being young and I’d frequently hear about core values like quality, integrity, and teamwork.  I didn’t give it much thought.  Even early into my career, I’m sure someone important worked them into a speech and still, in one ear...
Ten Epic Interview Questions

Ten Epic Interview Questions

Overview You’ve probably studied common interview questions.  Rehearsed them.  Answered them.  Asked them.  But what good does it do asking the same questions as everyone else, where interviewees have memorized their canned responses they think you want to...
The Cost of Doing Nothing

The Cost of Doing Nothing

Overview If you’ve ever had a leaky faucet, toilet, appliance, or pipe, you know what a pain it can be.  It usually starts small (and often unnoticed), but usually gets worse over time.  You might ignore it for a while until it turns into a bigger problem. ...

Tips For Learning New Software

Overview According to an article at, the average business worker uses 9.4 applications as a part of their daily work.  Most users, however, barely know the basics of most of these applications, learning by watching the people next to them, from the quick...

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