
What it does
Uses a a settings sheet (Create_Send_Email_Messages) to create and/or send email messages and optionally attach files to them.  Offers message deferred date/time sending option.

When to use it
When you want to quickly send one or more emails (often the type you send repetitively, such as every week, month, etc.), usually with one or more attached files.

Why to use it
It’s a very quick way to create and even send emails, especially with attachments.  This is often used with macros such as Save Sheets To PDF, where you can quickly create several PDF versions of Excel sheets to distribute to different people, locations, divisions, etc.

Default shortcut

Other Details

  • Category: MS Office / Outlook
  • Difficulty: 4/5
  • Usage/frequency: 2/5
  • Automation factor: 5/5 (estimated 300 seconds saved each time used)
  • Type: Bulk
  • Date added: 3/13/2018
  • Tags: Bulk, email, files, attachments
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Ensure you have an email account set up in Outlook.

Run the Create Send Email Messages macro.  The Create_Send_Email_Messages sheet is created in the active workbook.  Populate the required columns in this sheet, and then run the Create Send Email Messages macro again to create, send, or schedule all the emails specified in the sheet.  These are the columns within the Create_Send_Email_Messages sheet you’ll want to fill in:

  • Column A – Send To (required – at least one of To/CC/BCC): for each message, enter the Send-To recipients’ email addresses, separated by semi-colons. At least one recipient in the To/CC/BCC fields is required.
  • Column B – Send CC (required – at least one of To/CC/BCC): for each message, enter the Send-CC recipients’ email addresses, separated by semi-colons. At least one recipient in the To/CC/BCC fields is required.
  • Column C – Send BCC (required- at least one of To/CC/BCC): for each message, enter the Send-BCC recipients’ email addresses, separated by semi-colons. At least one recipient in the To/CC/BCC fields is required.
  • Column D – From (optional): for each message, enter the email account # to send from (in case you use multiple). The default is account #1 as listed in the cell comment header and the drop-down list in the cells in column D.
  • Column E – Subject (required): for each message, enter the subject.
  • Column F – Body (required): for each message, enter the body/content of the message.
  • Column G – Importance (required): for each message, enter the importance status (0 – Low importance, 1 – Medium/normal importance (default), 2 – High importance).  These are also defined in the cell comment header.
  • Column H – Create/Send (required): for each message, enter/select Create to just create the messages or Send to create and send.
  • Column I – Send Date/Time (optional): for each message, if sending and you want to defer the send date/time, enter the date and time in the future to send at. If this field is blank or if you are just creating (not sending) a message, this field is ignored.
  • Column J – Subject (required): for each message, enter the entire file path/name for any attachments. Separate multiple attachments with a semi-colon.

Note that often the email addresses and attachment paths are the result of formulas, such as lookups or references to date/location/region inputs.  See the example file above.  You can likely reuse a template file in this way in future periods by just specifying a couple of inputs and letting formulas build out the new shortcut structure!  This shows the value of having an extremely consistent and organized file structure.


Screenshot of Create Send Email Messages macro.



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