
What it does
Uses picker prompt to expedite performing many sheet actions (add, delete, rename, copy, etc.), including some additional actions, such as navigating to the first/last sheet, adding a linked table of contents, etc.

When to use it
When navigating or editing sheets within a workbook.

Why to use it
This helps navigate, edit, and copy/paste sheets more quickly than using the mouse, combining several clicks into one step, providing shortcuts to tougher-to-find menu options, and providing options that extend the native capabilities of Excel.

Default shortcut

Other Details

  • Category: Sheets / Navigation
  • Difficult: 3/5
  • Usage/frequency: 4/5
  • Automation factor: 3/5 (estimated 5 seconds saved each time used)
  • Type: Shortcut
  • Date added: 11/11/2017
  • Tags: sheets, picker
Related Macros and Articles

Related Macros
[F] First Sheet
[L] Last Sheet
[J] Search Sheets
[S] Select Sheets From Cell Values
[P] Tab Toggle
[T] Table of Contents
[C] Copy Sheet
[X] Copy Sheet Not Named Ranges
[N] Copy Sheets New Workbook
[U] Unhide All Sheets
[E] Select to Last Sheet

Note: most of the related filter macros above will be covered in the instructions below.  The picker option code is displayed in the [brackets].

Other Articles

Example Files



Most options: select the sheet(s) to edit/copy/etc.

With sheet(s) selected per the prerequisites above (if applicable), run the Sheet Action Picker macro.  It will present several helpful actions to run for navigating, editing, and copying/pasting sheets.  For the action you run most often, you can set your default so you don’t have to enter it (just launch the picker and press Enter).  Note that the default is highlighted when the picker is launched, so to change the action code, there is no need to press the backspace first.  Further instructions for the individual action codes are described below.

  • [F] This will jump to/activate the first visible sheet in the active workbook.  If the first sheet is not visible, the next visible sheet is activated.  This is especially helpful when the first sheet is a table of contents, summary, or some other commonly-used sheet.
  • [L] This will jump to/activate the last visible sheet in the active workbook.  If the last sheet is not visible, the previous visible sheet is activated.
  • [J] This will show a search box where you can search for a sheet by name and see search suggestions as you type (also known as auto-complete).  Use the up and down arrows to show the full sheet name to activate it.  When the sheet’s full name is displayed, its visibility and tab color are also displayed to help with searching.
  • [S] First, select one or more cells that contain sheet names in their values.  Then run the Sheet Action Picker, option [S], and those sheet(s) will be selected so you can perform actions on those sheet(s).
  • [P] This will select the most recently activated sheet prior to the active sheet, allowing you to toggle back-and-forth between two sheets.
  • [T] This will create a table of contents in the active workbook, listing names and hyperlinks to each sheet in the workbook.  The color of the sheet tab is used with the sheet name to aid in searchability.  If the sheet is hidden, the row with the sheet name is hidden in the table of contents.  You are prompted for the cell range to reference with the hyperlink in each sheet (range A1 is the default).
  • [C] This will copy the active sheet and paste a duplicate after the copied sheet.  You can optionally name the duplicate sheet by adding a space, then entering the new sheet name.  Note that some characters cannot be used in sheet names.  
  • [X] Similar to option [C] above, this will copy/duplicate the active sheet, but named ranges are not copied with the new sheet.
  • [N] This will copy the selected sheet(s) to a new workbook.
  • [I] This will insert a new sheet after the currently selected sheet.  You can optionally name the new sheet by adding a space, then entering the new sheet name.  Note that some characters cannot be used in sheet names.
  • [D] This will delete the selected sheet(s).  A system prompt will allow you to confirm your action to prevent the loss of data if you accidentally run this action.
  • [B] This will move the selected sheet to the left (before) of the previous sheet to the left.  If multiple sheets are selected, only the first sheet is moved.
  • [A] This will move the selected sheet to the right (after) of the next sheet to the right.  If multiple sheets are selected, only the last sheet is moved.
  • [M] This will move the selected sheet to the specified position.  Enter the option [M], then a space, then the index number where the sheet should be located.
  • [H] This will hide all the selected sheets.
  • [U] This will unhide all sheets in the active workbook.  Note that native Excel functionality only allows unhiding one sheet at a time.  To unhide more than one sheet at a time, but not all sheets, use the Bulk Sheet Update macro, where you can configure several sheet settings in one place for multiple sheets in the workbook.
  • [E] This will select all sheets from the active sheet to the end of the workbook.  This is helpful if you need to apply similar actions to several identically-structured sheets, such as formatting them or deleting them entirely.
  • [R] This will rename the selected sheet.  Enter the option [R], then a space, then the name to use.  Note that some characters cannot be used in sheet names.
  • [W] This will simply create a new workbook. 

Like most of the picker macros, you can set the default option to apply so you don’t even have to enter the letter/number – just the Enter key.  Just enter your preferred default letter(s), then click the default checkbox, and those letter(s) becomes the new default.


Screenshot of running helpful sheet actions using the Sheet Action Picker macro.



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