
I made a pretty big career pivot a few years ago from corporate accounting and financial reporting to solution consulting (also known as pre-sales and sales engineering) with financial software.  It’s not uncommon to come from a practitioner background.  I uncovered talents that had been dormant for most of my career that led to a lot of success as a solutions consultant (SC).  As with most things in life, I try hard to pay attention, observe others (and myself), and learn what works (and what doesn’t work).  Below are eight habits I noticed successful SCs live out on a daily basis.

The habits

The best SCs know their product in a T or M fashion: broad knowledge of the entire platform, but deep knowledge in the main areas they tend to work with most.

It’s not just enough to know your product though – you need to know some of the products your prospects are likely already using and competitor products they are likely to consider. If you don’t have experience with those, borrow it from your colleagues! Keep cheatsheets of the key facts and who to go to for help.

The best SCs ask a lot of probing questions to get down to their prospects’ biggest needs, even when prospects struggle to articulate them. They develop several champions that can share the juicy stuff and where the pain comes from. The more people you intentionally resonate with, the greater the chances they are selling for you behind the scenes rather than putting up roadblocks.

Outside of getting to know your prospects, learning their company, their industry, and what they care about is huge for building rapport and encouraging them to share vital intel.

Most SCs work with complex products. After all, if they didn’t, what’s the need for an SC – a sales rep could probably manage all the product talk!

Being able to simplify complex and powerful solutions is a superpower. Make it very clear how your solution compares to the status quo (at least in the crucial areas), but solves the big problems they are facing. I like to ask this question throughout “To what degree does this resonate?”

Keeping the audience engaged is crucial as an SC! If they aren’t paying attention or asking questions throughout your presentation, it’s not going to resonate and you won’t be remembered, especially among several other competitors.

Several tools can help you engage your audience. Ask thoughtful, leading questions to spark the discussion. Be ready with drill-down questions. Share insights you’ve learned from experience. Share analogies that help people understand complex ideas. Share stories that drive emotion And lastly, share humor to keep the mood light. Most people appreciate humor because we’re all..human!

Positive energy is proven to be contagious! It’s another factor that helps the prospect team remember your presentation in a positive light.

It starts with a smile. Smile as much as you can (it goes right along with laughter). Get a good night’s sleep. Don’t have an empty stomach – eat a protein-filled meal before you present. Have a drink nearby. And if you can (and it makes sense), stand when you present! It’s amazing how much more energy we have when we stand!

Building a bridge between the pain of the current state to the relief of the future state is crucial. If people don’t clearly see how your solution is any different, why would they buy it?

To build a bridge, start by sharing your understanding of the current state, including the top pain points. Drill down on that pain – often there is a lot more there than they’ll admit or even know about! Then cast your vision of the future and connect the dots between the current state problems and your future state solution. Remember, you’re the expert! Show them how simple and valuable the change can be!

If you only consider the value of the problems that prospects initially come to you with, chances are you won’t get a deal closed. So what can you do? Build the value!

Drill down on all the indirect costs of the current state problems. How much time is being spent today doing the work or worse yet, rework from errors? Is there a turnover issue that causes excessive recruiting and training costs? What’s the opportunity cost of these items? That’s often where a ton of the value is!

Planning is such a crucial step for SCs, but it’s easy to overlook when life gets busy. Hold the entire team accountable to ensure adequate prep happens.

All that intel you got from previous conversations and your research? Weave it into your planned conversation! It’s usually helpful to do a dry run so you understand your intended flow, anticipate questions, and determine where you might pivot. Don’t forget to update and tailor any of the materials you intend to share/present, including your demo environment!


There are many habits that contribute to SC success.  One skill that is related to several of these habits is the ability to pivot and not just work from a script.  Looking back to the deals I supported, almost all the wins had some pivots along the way where we continued to advance towards a positive outcome.  Some of the habits above can apply to a variety of roles, such as training and public speaking, so feel free to leverage what you’ve found useful and share the love!

What other habits do you think are worth considering for SCs or people in similar roles that often present complex topics?  Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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